Title cleanup
Be sure to set a "title" attribute for each route.
Be sure to set a "title" attribute for each route.
Following the tutorial, I refactored the site to use Flask blueprints. I still need to figure out how to set environment variables that will be picked up when running through the nginx server.
I hard-coded the email address and password, and now it's working. What the heck?
I was frustrated that SendGrid wasn't working, so I created a new Gmail account w/o 2fa turned on and tried to set that up to send, but I keep getting an error: (530, b'5.7.0 Authentication Required. Learn more at\n5.7.0 https://support.google.com/mail/?p=WantAuthError l19sm864187qkk.99 - gsmtp', '[redacted]@gmail.com') I'm pretty sure I set it up just like in the tutorial, but I can't get it to work. I even verified that I can see the environment variables from the command line. Anyway, I just set it to "try" to send the email and then to print the exception if it doesn't work. That way that product still seems to function. Again, this feature isn't even important to the functioning of the app.
I tried the instructions in the video, but I couldn't get it to work with my Gmail (and it wasn't clear if the problem was with the security settings on Google's end or a problem with the code). I tried a Zoho account as well but couldn't get it to work. Then I tried setting it up through SendGrid. They have an SMTP option and an API option. I couldn't get the SMTP option to work at all. I got the API to work with a test file, but it's failing to authenticate when I tried integrating into the product. HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized This feature is tangential to the MVP, though, so at this point I think I should just move on, despite knowing that bugs should be fixed first before new features.